Let me start by intruducing myself! My name is Kim Stock,. Myself and my husband Kelly along with our kids Kolin and Kayla own JR Meat Company. I love to cook and am so excited to share my ideas and recipes with our great customers! Of course, the recipes will include a variety of meat and seafood. Along with tips and education on different types and cuts of meat. So, stay tuned!
For our first blog I wanted to post a recipe and feature a JR Meat Co. product that is #1 very tasty, #2 versatile and #3 economical! JR’s specialty is our seasoned roasts, aka clod roast or deep pit style roast. People love it because it is prepared for you with our signature seasoning and put into a roasting bag. As a busy mom and wife I appreciate anything that is tasty and easy, and this is both! With the Super Bowl coming up this weekend, I thought it is a perfect time to introduce this recipe! I am featuring our seasoned pork roast but other favorites are the beef, turkey and chicken.
First off, people who read my blogs will find out I am the type of cook that kind of wings it and I dont think I have ever followed a recipe exactly. I think a person is better off making it their “own” according to their families tastes. So, with that being said I hope I don’t frustrate anyone with the vagueness of my recipes.